
Produced by
Big Idea Productions and Brain Freeze Entertainment
Teaser: 6 x 22’
3-2-1 Penguins! is a direct-to-video animated cartoon series produced by Big Idea Productions, of Veggie Tales fame.
In each episode, Jason and Michelle go on imaginary adventures in outer space, using a toy spaceship and four penguin figurines. The ‘intelligent’ penguins man the toy spaceship. They use a handheld device, called a galeezil, to shrink the kids to fit into it. The villain is Baron Cavitus.
An episode will begin with the kids being given a lesson, usually by their Grandma, based on the Bible. During the ‘adventure’, they apply what they have learned to solve the problems they encounter.
Sparky Animation provided services for Layout, Animation, Lighting, Rendering & Compositing.